We take to heart the adage about investing being simple, but not easy.
Investing is simple because so much of it is common sense. It is not easy because the way people are hard-wired means few possess the right temperament to be successful.
We help clients develop the right mindset and appreciate some back-to-basics themes :
- The stock market is a place where companies are bought and sold and nothing else. It is our servant not our master.
- Investing is not new. Fads come and go. Societies change, but human nature never does.
- Investing is full of paradoxes which can either serve you or harm you.
- Investments, like any product, can be overpriced or a good value. We seek to buy the highest quality investments, but only on sale. That is our definition of being a value investor.
- Alignment, or ‘skin-in-the-game.’ We invest in the same securities as our clients, and we typically own companies with high insider ownership.
Focused always on yield, we create customized portfolios of individual companies and debt instruments. We are ‘mindfulness’ investors and consider the impact our companies have on our society and the planet.
We believe success is achieved when we know we have improved our client’s life, and they feel secure they will be okay.
Focus on price and protection
At Barrack Yard Advisors, we believe that common sense, attention to detail and patience are proven elements of investing success:
- Identify trends within anchor of Enduring Principles
- Conduct research using regulatory filings, publications, est. network
- Screen to minimize avoidable mistakes
- Buy only if price is attractive
- Monitor investment portfolio

We take to heart the adage about investing being simple, but not easy.
Investing is simple because so much of it is common sense. It is not easy because the way people are hard-wired means few possess the right temperament to be successful.
We help clients develop the right mindset and appreciate some back-to-basics themes (link to enduring principles):
- The stock market is a place where companies are bought and sold and nothing else. It is our servant not our master.
- Investing is not new. Fads come and go. Societies change, but human nature never does.
- Investing is full of paradoxes which can either serve you or harm you.
- Investments, like any product, can be overpriced or a good value. We seek to buy the highest quality investments, but only on sale. That is our definition of being a value investor.
- Alignment, or ‘skin-in-the-game.’ We invest in the same securities as our clients, and we typically own companies with high insider ownership.
Focused always on yield, we create customized portfolios of individual companies (link to Our current holdings) and debt instruments. We are ‘mindfulness’ investors and consider the impact our companies have on our society and the planet.
We believe success is achieved when we know we have improved our client’s life, and they feel secure they will be okay.
Focus on price and protection
At Barrack Yard Advisors, we believe that common sense, attention to detail and patience are proven elements of investing success:
- Identify trends within anchor of Enduring Principles
- Conduct research using regulatory filings, publications, est. network
- Screen to minimize avoidable mistakes
- Buy only if price is attractive
- Monitor investment portfolio